Holiday Stroll
Thursday, December 1
4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
If you are interested in being a sponsor please email Lisa at the FDP office,, by Tuesday, October 25 so we can list your business on the flyers!
Bronze Sponsor -- $100
Silver Sponsor -- $250
Gold Sponsor -- $500
Your business will be listed on all flyers, posters, website and in all press releases. SUCH A DEAL!
Thank you for your continued support! We look forward to another exciting Holiday Stroll. Please contact our Holiday Stroll Co-Chairs if you are interested in participating in the Stroll: Cindy Kozil,, or Roberta Trahan,
Click here for a Sponsorship Registration Form.
Click here for a list of Sponsorship Opportunities.
Click here for the Letter to Businesses.