Welcome our newest member, Rubino Hypnosis! Located at 38 Pond Street, Suite 206, Franklin, Mary Rubino uses hypnosis as a painless, all natural way to help create positive changes and new habits for health. The practice offers sessions covering (but not limited to) stress reduction, weight management, and smoking cessation, and Mary also leads team building workshops. Find more information at www.rubinohypnosis.com.
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Membership Renewal
Now is the time to renew your support of the Partnership!
Please return your membership application with payment as soon as possible. We plan to list all of our current members in local newspapers - don't be left out!
If you have questions, please contact the office at downtown.franklin@yahoo.com.
Considering becoming a member? Check out the Membership tab to learn more about all the great benefits of membership, or call our office! (774) 571-3109.
Please note: The October Stroll should also be listed under Events and Activities. Click here to download a Membership Application.