Thank you to all of you who came out Saturday to help with Beautification Day. It was a real team effort by everyone involved.
Special Thanks to Eileen Mason who always makes this day a huge success. Thanks to Barry Madden at Franklin Ford for donating the use of his truck and for Chris Bond for driving the team of volunteers! And to Jim Schultz for coordinating the clean-up crews. And to Shaw's for the bottled waters to keep us going. And to all the high school students who were able to participate in the planting.
Thanks to our sponsors:
Platinum: Big Y Foods
Gold: Fairway Independent Mortgage and D.G. Ranieri Real Estate,
Silver: Byrne Financial Freedom, Dean Bank
Bronze: Roche and Roche and Next Step Living
If you are interested in being a Gold or Silver sponsor please contact the FDP office this week so we can get your name listed on the sponsorship sign
Anyone interested in helping with the flower watering should contact Eileen soon...remember to keep your flowers watered.
Enjoy the Sun,