Franklin Downtown Partnership General Meeting Agenda
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Dean College Campus Center @ 8:30 a.m.
Golder Room
II. Adoption of Agenda
III. Introductions
IV. Report from Executive Director
a. Membership and Sponsorship Updates
b. Strategic Direction and 3-year plan
c. Franklin Food Elves "12 Days of Donating"
d. Winter Decorating Day - Sunday, November 18
e. New business coming to downtown Franklin
V. Report from Holiday Stroll Chairs -- Cindy Kozil and Roberta Trahan
VI. Downtown Updates -- Jeff Nutting
a. Town updates
b. Streetscape Update
c. Meters and Beautification topics
VII. Franklin Walking Map -- Beth Dahlstrom, Lauren Marciszyn
VIII. Networking -- Joel Carrara
a. Networking Evening
b. Six One Seven Studios -- November 15 starting at 5 p.m.
c. Luncheon at Dean College -- November 9 at 1 p.m.
IX. Business Updates
X. New Business
XI. Adjourn
Our next General Meeting will be Thusday, January 3, 2013