Tuesday, January 3, 2012

January 5 General Meeting Agenda

Have a Happy and Prosperous 2012!

Please join us for the next General Meeting
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Dean College Campus Center, 8:30 a.m.
Golder Room, 2nd Floor

I. Open Meeting

II. Adoption of Agenda

III. Introductions
a. Welcome New Members -- Lisa Piana
b. Welcome Town Council Members -- Nicole Fortier
c. Town Council Members Intros and Comments

IV. Town Updates -- Jeff Nutting, Bryan Taberner
a. Streetscape, Master Plan Committee, etc.

V. Report from Executive Director
a. Membership update
b. 2012 planning projects and topics

VI. Networking Schedule -- Joel Carrara

VII. New Business

VIII. Other Business

IX. Adjourn

Next General Meeting -- Thursday, March 1, 2012